Triplejump's Vision is to be the best in the world at
enabling organisations to provide Human Capital
Risk Management advice.
Triplejump’s mission is to build a global company with leadership in the provision of systems and services to organisations wanting to sell high quality Human Capital Risk Management advice and solutions to their small – medium enterprise (SME) and agribusiness customers.
In achieving its mission Triplejump will:
In most developed economies SMEs make up a significant proportion of the GDP. Research also shows that in most markets about 96% of the SMEs are micro, which is they employ 5 or fewer people. The success of these enterprises is largely reliant on a few key individuals or the business owner to drive their success. As a consequence SMEs are highly exposed to financial risk and failure following the loss of key human resources. We refer to this as Human Capital Risk (HCR). The lack of business structure coupled with the weak balance sheets of most SMEs means the business is unable to retain the financial risk arising from the loss of human capital.
While many businesses have insured physical property risks, HCR remains largely unmanaged in SMEs. The impact from the loss of human capital, can have significant consequences because the business owner’s personal assets and income are closely interlinked so the loss of key people may not only result in the loss of the business but in the loss of the owner’s personal wealth as well.
To be resilient against the impact of loss SMEs and agri-businesses will often need to manage this risk through insurance.
Human Capital Risk in private enterprise is a serious risk to business owners. It presents a significant commercial opportunity for organisations committed to helping their customers build resilience and protection of their wealth. Triplejump has proven capability in enabling organisations to achieve superior commercial outcomes through meeting the customer need with best practice advice and service.
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